We Surived a Cranky Baby on the Plane. You Can Too!

All things baby, Travel / Friday, March 9th, 2018

Ok. Originally I had planned on writing Ways to Keep Your Toddler Occupied on a Planebut after our latest series of flights I think this post is something that is far more appropriate. Flying with baby can be challenging, learn from our mistakes and make having a baby on a plane much easier with a few great tips.

Our babes has flown quite a few times in her little life and previously we’ve been spoiled by her being on her best behavior on nearly every flight. No owie ears, no temper tantrums, no screaming and no fighting sleep. However, our first flight to Nashville, the start of our big farm adventure, we had all of those meltdowns. It was a brief 20 minutes but it made me realize how strong – and creative –  you have to be as a parent sometimes.

That 20 minutes gets longer and longer every time my hubby tells the story. Started at 15 and has slowly inched to a few hours of non-stop screaming, clawing toddler. I had to remind him that it was only an hour and forty minute flight. All kidding aside that 20 minutes felt like the longest 20 minutes in flight history. So many things run through your mind but I think the biggest thing is that the entire plane is experiencing this along with you. And that sucks. Nobody wants to be the stereotypical family with the screaming baby on the plane, but sometimes you are. And you know what? It’s OK!

Babies are babies and they’re not always happy. Maybe they’re teething this week. Maybe their little ears didn’t pop – we all know how much that can hurt. Maybe today is just a bad day. It’s going to happen, but something else is going to happen. You’re going to get through it. How you respond though will determine whether you come out of it feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus and wanting to cry in a corner OR feeling semi accomplished as a parent. After all, these babies don’t come with instructions and you’re questioning what you do as a parent on a moment to moment basis so every little win should make you feel like a parenting BOSS!

Baby’s feed off of your energy so no matter what you do stay calm.

Babes was fussy from the beginning. She was mad about the car ride to the airport, crying in the terminal – didn’t want to be held, didn’t want to be put down. We knew we were in for bit of a rough day. Somehow I kept telling myself it would be ok. Like she would magically perk right up and be the silly, playful and smiling baby she had been the day before. Funny right? At least I was staying positive! And as lame as it sounds positivity is what got us through.

We sat down on the plane with the babes already whining and whimpering. We started off fussy, she didn’t eat well, AND the unexpected hour long security check line made her miss a nap. Trifecta for the ultimate meltdown. And there it was. We pulled out all of the tricks we had in the diaper bag: snacks, toys, crunchy water bottles, even the phone. Nothing worked. As we started to take off I tried to nurse her. She didn’t even want me! Uh Oh I thought. I could feel the tension around us building. No one likes a screaming baby, especially on a crowded airplane. Nothing would calm her and she was arching her back in displeasure of the situation. Almost panicked… But then I took a deep breath, and another and another, and just blocked everything but the baby out. One more deep breath and I started singing her favorite songs and rocking her back and forth holding her as close to me as possible.

I’m not going to pretend that the crying meltdown magically stopped. Actually it went on for another 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes though I realized something. She was slowly letting go of her intense grasp, slowly taking a few more breaths in between screams, and slowly calming down. She was feeding off of me! So I kept going.

In our short 11 months together I’ve come to realize that mommies and babies are a whole other level of connection. A lot of times at work, and in life, I do my best to be calm on the outside even if I’m panicking on the inside. Works great during normal crisis situations, but not so much with your baby. She feels your heartbeat, your breathing, and even that hidden level of worry you always try to pretend doesn’t exist. So…in the airplane situation we had to go with something new. Actual calm!

Whatever you do, don’t panic. Don’t think about anything but your baby and breathing. It will pass.

After 10 long minutes of quiet singing and rocking something magical did happen. The babes melted like Jell-O and fell asleep. Sound asleep! In that moment I felt like I had reached a new level of momming. Then, my hubby leaned over and told me how good of a job I had done. Talk about mom win!!! (Not going to pretend I didn’t ride that high for the next day or so)

Babes slept for a little over an hour. She woke up in much better spirits but still a bit fussy. Time to bring out the diaper bag tricks! A little food, a little fun and lots of distraction and in 30 minutes times we were safely back on land where we could let our wild child get some energy out. We had survived.

We had survived a very fussy toddler on a plane and you can too! You can read a million of articles and lists on Pinterest on how to keep your toddler busy on a plane. I know I did – shout out to Our Next Adventure for her great list of activities for a toddler on a plane.  You can pack your diaper bag perfectly filled with activities, the best and most expensive baby gadgets, and all the ideal snacks, but sometimes your baby is just fussy. There is no magic formula I can provide you. No list of things to do. Just the one peace of advice that truly saved us.

Be calm. Mommy’s are a baby’s ultimate comfort and if you’re calm they will be too.

Easier said than done right? Not really. I know that being a mom means you’ve been braver, stronger, and more creative than you’ve ever been. You find yourself doing things that you wouldn’t do for ANYONE else in the entire world. Not even yourself (I gave up dairy, soy, red meat, strawberries, cherries, pears, and so much more in order to keep breastfeeding this baby for the past 11 months. I can’t stay on a diet for myself for FIVE minutes!). So I know you can do this.

Take a deep breath, or 10, and start humming. It will focus your energy on one thing and keep your mind from wondering to all  of the stress around you. Hold your baby and do what you know how to do. Rock, nurse, bounce, whatever your baby’s favorite thing is and DON’T STOP. It’s the repetition and energy you’re putting off that the baby will respond to. It may take some time but it will be ok. You will get through this. Remember, fussy babies happen and how you respond will be the deciding factor on whether you’re going to cry in the corner when that flight is over or walk off that plane feeling like a YOU DID IT!

Coming up in the beginning of May we have a nine hour flight. That’s right NINE hour flight to Denmark. Stay tuned to see if my ultimate mom calmness will prevail!

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Cranky Toddler on a Plane Survial Guide

Cranky toddler on a plane survival guide

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